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PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:08 pm    Post subject:

C M B wrote:
KOBemaster wrote:
dont_be_a_wuss wrote:
jonnybravo wrote:
Gimme_the_rock wrote:
encina1 wrote:
Gimme_the_rock wrote:
Have a supply of baby wipes at work for when I have to deuce. In the past 10 or so years I have probably "converted" about 25-30 people.

Me too. Once you convert, you really can't go back.

Are you talking about cleaning afterwards, or using those disposable flushable wipes? Because the latter clog toilets horribly.

Cottenelles, my man (or Dollar Tree baby wipes, if that's your budget).

Never had a toilet clogging problem in 10 years of using. Do you live south of the border?

Same here. I have read about people having problems with them clogging but at least among people I know in So Cal, not a single one has had an issue with them.

My GF clogged my toilet with them once. Had to snake it out. If I use them I tear them in half first or throw them out.

I'm definitely going to start using baby wipes. Beats having to lick the toilet paper, which I do

Before wiping right?

Uhhhhh yes?
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Star Player
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:10 pm    Post subject:

KOBemaster wrote:
C M B wrote:
KOBemaster wrote:
dont_be_a_wuss wrote:
jonnybravo wrote:
Gimme_the_rock wrote:
encina1 wrote:
Gimme_the_rock wrote:
Have a supply of baby wipes at work for when I have to deuce. In the past 10 or so years I have probably "converted" about 25-30 people.

Me too. Once you convert, you really can't go back.

Are you talking about cleaning afterwards, or using those disposable flushable wipes? Because the latter clog toilets horribly.

Cottenelles, my man (or Dollar Tree baby wipes, if that's your budget).

Never had a toilet clogging problem in 10 years of using. Do you live south of the border?

Same here. I have read about people having problems with them clogging but at least among people I know in So Cal, not a single one has had an issue with them.

My GF clogged my toilet with them once. Had to snake it out. If I use them I tear them in half first or throw them out.

I'm definitely going to start using baby wipes. Beats having to lick the toilet paper, which I do

Before wiping right?

Uhhhhh yes?

Knowing people these days and what they'll believe, I'll just say it: Yes, before wiping.
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The Lebrons
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:57 pm    Post subject:

I'm super OCD

- Volume for TV has to be an even number
- Things have to be even/symmetrical - like a tissue box has to be lined up with the corner of the desk, it can't hang over and there can't be empty desk space
- When I turn on my car, I always do a have turn until the radio comes on and I hear two beeps, then I turn the engine on.
- If I say I'm leaving the house at a certain time (ex. 4:00), I have to leave EXACTLY at that time
- I predict and time how long any trip in my car takes, whether it's 2 minutes or 6 hours
- When I fill up gas, it has to end on a .00 or .50 exactly. Unfortunately, this is hard and when I mess up I get pissed
- I check my phone for text messages even though I know I don't have any.
- I always adjust the candle on the toilet so it rests against the wall. My brother always moves it to piss me off
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Starting Rotation
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:15 pm    Post subject:

Mike@LG wrote:
I'm right handed.

When I drive, I try to predict the behavior of all cars on the road. Depending on who is unpredictable, I'll pass them, or just create a path for drivers who want to pass. Zero accidents. 14 years.

I do this.. 0 accidents in 9 years of driving.
“These young guys are playing checkers. I'm out there playing chess.” - Kobe Bryant
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Starting Rotation
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:09 pm    Post subject:

I often feel the need to repeat myself to remember things
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The Lebrons
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:41 pm    Post subject:

I love gummy bears, but I won't eat the green ones.
Love candy, but won't eat purple/grape flavored candy.
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Retired Number
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:37 pm    Post subject:

LakerFan4L wrote:
Mike@LG wrote:
I'm right handed.

When I drive, I try to predict the behavior of all cars on the road. Depending on who is unpredictable, I'll pass them, or just create a path for drivers who want to pass. Zero accidents. 14 years.

I do this.. 0 accidents in 9 years of driving.

Same here. Knock on wood.

17 years of driving.

Tail gaters are the absolute worse. Called flow of traffic you P.O.S. They're probably the singular cause of the majority of accidents. Love those guys. Try to scream pass you just to get stuck behind the next guy going the same speed as me.

Invariably its a guy in either a beater piece of garbage or a raised truck.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:51 pm    Post subject:

10 years of driving, no driver's license, no insurance, and not one arrest/citation.
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Huey Lewis & The News
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:08 am    Post subject:

re-rack weights

use turn signals
"All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers."
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:16 pm    Post subject:

- I keep the bills in my wallet perfectly sequenced by both denomination (which many people do) and alphabetized by Federeal Reserve Bank Letter & Serial number (which not many people do).

- The food on my plate must be separated and not touching it's neighbors (which is the case for many) and I eat it alphabetically (started that when I was a kid when my mom made a big deal about eating courses in procession Salads are almost always near last )

- Because I seldom get the natural urge to call my mom out of the blue, since college I've been in the habit of using the numbers from my 1st street address as a reminder to call so it appears to be random. (ie, If in January I called on the 9th, then in February I'll call on the 2nd, and so on)

- I can't talk to my sister until after I've punched her in the arm. Started as a kid, and now it's a whack of endearment. (My neice has picked up on the habit as well )


I'm On point, On task, On message, and Off drugs. A Streetwise Smart Bomb, Out of rehab and In denial. Over the Top, On the edge, Under the Radar, and In Control. Behind the 8 ball, Ahead of the Curve and I've got a Love Child who sends me Hate mail.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:34 pm    Post subject:

Huey Lewis & The News wrote:
re-rack weights

use turn signals

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Franchise Player
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:01 pm    Post subject:

C M B wrote:
If a business offers wetnaps I stuff my pockets with them until I've emptied the counter stock or my pockets are full.

Better use them quick. Maybe your base boards. Depending on the grade, those things can dry out pretty fast.
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Retired Number
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:09 pm    Post subject:

Wiping the toilet seat clean from all the dirty poo stains and piss from the previous user.
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Franchise Player
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:09 pm    Post subject:

Huey Lewis & The News wrote:
re-rack weights

use turn signals

We back.
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Franchise Player
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:11 pm    Post subject:

lakersken80 wrote:
Wiping the toilet seat clean from all the dirty poo stains and piss from the previous user.

I'll aim my pee stream to drain the urinal of previous user's stray pubes and loogies.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:17 pm    Post subject:

I just remembered when running, I have Welcome to the Jungle playing in my head as I slow down to approach a cross walk. It's the end of the intro right before the drums come in. Been doing this for about 20 years.
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Retired Number
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:20 pm    Post subject:

axs wrote:
This thread has potential.

As for me, I can only take a dump while naked (socks are the only exclusion but shoes must come off). Yes, I have to undress before I proceed. With that said, I don't remember the last time I took care of business at a public restroom. I don't want to undress there.

I'll post as I notice more things.

I have to shower every time I take a dump. Of course I clean up with teepee. But I still don't feel clean enough. It's obviously a mental thing.

Had the stomach flu a couple months ago. My water bill reflected that.
When the world grows. Grow with it.
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Retired Number
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:22 pm    Post subject:

kikanga wrote:
axs wrote:
This thread has potential.

As for me, I can only take a dump while naked (socks are the only exclusion but shoes must come off). Yes, I have to undress before I proceed. With that said, I don't remember the last time I took care of business at a public restroom. I don't want to undress there.

I'll post as I notice more things.

I have to shower every time I take a dump. Of course I clean up with teepee. But I still don't feel clean enough. It's obviously a mental thing.

Had the stomach flu a couple months ago. My water bill reflected that.

Had to shower and wash my behind after every bowel movement too! Well, I did grow up in a muslim majority country which is the norm there
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Franchise Player
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:25 pm    Post subject:

My youngest son who's 2, likes to take the corners of soft blankets or sweaters and tickle himself on his palms, forearms and belly. freak.
Thank you, Kobe. We love you.
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Star Player
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:39 pm    Post subject:

I rely on ketchup packets from restaurants instead of buying ketchup at the grocery store.

When I use a public restroom, I use a paper towel to open the door to leave the restroom.
Good Laker book I recommend, "The Biggest What-If's in Lakers History"
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:20 pm    Post subject:

I never, ever, ever (if I can help it) walk on these (click here and here) in the street. I automatically walk around them without thinking about it now.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:11 pm    Post subject:

I can move my eye brows, roll my tongue in different ways and whistle.

I'm pretty good at confrontation when most people I know run from it.

I can make mistakes that might end some friendships but I can find ways to make it up to them to keep it going. But i try not making the same mistake twice.

I have an ability to push through my butterflies and do something that makes me uncomfortable but not always.

Most of my friends tell me I look like the most comfortable guy talking to girls even if thats not really the case.

I always eat my sides of food at the same rate. For example If i have a steak toast and eggs i will finish all of it with in one bite of eachother. So i will have one bite of steak toast and eggs left before i finish, i dont even try to it just happens.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:25 pm    Post subject:

Be me.

Im was sure I was right about that until I got a call from my bank a while back saying there's a me that was buying stuff that wasn't being delivered to me.
"You know it seems the more we talk about it, it only makes it worse to live without it."

-We'll all be singing that soon.
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non-player zealot
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:25 am    Post subject:

governator wrote:
kikanga wrote:
axs wrote:
This thread has potential.

As for me, I can only take a dump while naked (socks are the only exclusion but shoes must come off). Yes, I have to undress before I proceed. With that said, I don't remember the last time I took care of business at a public restroom. I don't want to undress there.

I'll post as I notice more things.

I have to shower every time I take a dump. Of course I clean up with teepee. But I still don't feel clean enough. It's obviously a mental thing.

Had the stomach flu a couple months ago. My water bill reflected that.

Had to shower and wash my behind after every bowel movement too! Well, I did grow up in a muslim majority country which is the norm there

Jodeke made a poll about anus washing recently.
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Retired Number
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:29 am    Post subject:

non-player zealot wrote:
governator wrote:
kikanga wrote:
axs wrote:
This thread has potential.

As for me, I can only take a dump while naked (socks are the only exclusion but shoes must come off). Yes, I have to undress before I proceed. With that said, I don't remember the last time I took care of business at a public restroom. I don't want to undress there.

I'll post as I notice more things.

I have to shower every time I take a dump. Of course I clean up with teepee. But I still don't feel clean enough. It's obviously a mental thing.

Had the stomach flu a couple months ago. My water bill reflected that.

Had to shower and wash my behind after every bowel movement too! Well, I did grow up in a muslim majority country which is the norm there

Jodeke made a poll about anus washing recently.

There's a poll? This is truly the best website

Will look for it and contribute to the anus washing community
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